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We are not currently accepting applications from new patients with the exception of immediate family members of current patients living within the same household. Our Practice boundary is shown opposite.

You can find other local GP practices by searching your postcode at

More information about registering with a GP practice can be found at

If you have any difficulty in registering with another practice, you can contact Practitioner Services Division (who are responsible for the registration of patients) by email:

Please see our full statement on our list closure below:



Closure of Practice List

You may have seen in the media or heard locally that both GP practices in this building have closed their lists to new patients from 1 August 2024, for the period of one year. 

This change does not affect any patients who are already on our lists. 

This means that we will not be accepting applications from new patients, except for immediate family members of patients already on our lists prior to 1 August 2024.  If, however, our numbers of registered patients were to fall, we would re-open and accept applications to register. Up to date details regarding registrations will be on our websites. 

We have highlighted our concerns to NHS Highland about our increasing list size for a number of years and this has been accelerated by the high volume of new homes being built in the area.   

We have also been in discussion with NHS Highland about expanding the size of our premises, but as there is a pause of capital spending across NHS Scotland, no premises work can progress at this time.  

This has been a very difficult decision for us to make and no practice would ever consider closing their list to new patients if they were not seriously concerned about their ability to cope with increasing workload and delivering care to patients safely.   

We are keen for patients to get behind our cause by speaking to the local community council or your MP or MSP to highlight the issue of us having to close our lists so they can in turn raise this with both the local Council and Scottish Government. 

We will keep you updated via our website and in the waiting room and thank you in advance of your support.