Mental Health

Primary Care Mental Health Team

We now have our Primary Care Mental Health Team (PCMHT) working within the practice. They offer a small number of appointments each week.

Appointments with the PCMHT can only be booked by a GP so if you are struggling with your mental health then book an appointment with one of our GPs and they will refer you to the team if they feel it would be beneficial to you.

Useful phone numbers

If you are in crisis, the following phone numbers may be useful:

  • Breathing Space - 0800 83 85 87 (open Monday-Thursday 6pm to 2am & Friday 6pm-Monday 6am)
  • Mikeysline - text 07786207755 (open every evening, Messenger and Whatsapp also available)
  • NHS 24 - 111

The practice is always available to phone during our open hours (Monday-Friday 8am to 6pm) - 01463 793400


Useful websites

If you, or someone you care about, have mental health struggles then the following websites may be useful:

  • Highland Mental Wellbeing - shows available services, information and training around the subject of mental health and wellbeing

  • Right Decisions - advice on your mental health when planning a pregnancy, during pregnancy and after your baby is born

  • Trauma Counselling Line Scotland - offers a pathway of services to support you with a range of mental health problems including anxiety, depression and trauma

  • Worrying About Money - advice and support if you're struggling to make ends meet

  • - advice and support for mental health struggles

  • Living Life to the Full - self-help resources to help people tackle depression, low mood and stress or anxiety at every stage in life